
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sucked Out or Out Played?

So I get to the Wynn and sit down in a $1/$3 NL Hold em game.  There were no really large stacks at this table.  Maybe 2 people over $500 when I sat down.  I buy in for my normal $500 which is the max for the game.  So I lose my first hand that I played to a guy with a pair of queens that he never raised with pre-flop.  I had flopped a pair of jacks and bet them on the flop and turn.  So that was the extend of the history anyone had on me in the game so far.  I then changed seats and continued to play.  After about 30 min I get Ad Qd UTG+1.  I make a standard raise to $15 and get called in 3 spots.  Now the flop comes Ks Qc 4d.  At this point I am first and make a C-bet of $35.  I get one caller.  This guy is one of the larger stacks at the table.  He reminds me of Sylvester Stallone.  Kind of big and dumb looking.  So I figure since he just called that I will take another shot at the pot on the turn provided noting that looks bad for me hits.  The turn card is 8h.  That card looks OK to me so I fire out a $70 bet.  Now I'm pretty sure at this point that if he calls then he most likely has be beat with a K.  He does make the call.  Now at this point I decide I am down with the hand unless the river helps me.  Sure enough the river is a Qs giving me 3 queens.  Now I make a bet of $100.  He immediately starts talking about how that was a horrible card for him.  Then he makes the call.  I turn over my AQ and he shows the AK. 

Right away he starts saying that I sucked out on him.  Saying how I had no idea that I was beaten in the hand till the river.  I responded saying I out played him.  Based on game theory he is making a mistake every time he plays his hand differently than he would if he could see my cards.  Well he had 3 opportunities to raise me and take control of the hand or make me fold.  He never 3 bet pre-flop.  He never raised me off my hand on the flop or the turn.  He let me control the hand the entire way.  It's not like I was calling his bets and then caught the river.  So I ask you do you think I sucked out or did I out play him in the hand?

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